Michael C. Ruppert

MICHAEL C. RUPPERT is a former Los Angeles Police Department narcotics officer who for over twenty years has been trying to bring to public attention his first-hand knowledge of CIA complicity in the drug trade flooding our inner cities with hard drugs as an apparent covert funding mechanism for the weapons trade for destabilizing populations around the world for their economic exploitation. He has become a lead spokesman for the Crack the CIA Coalition which has the endorsement of numerous prominent social activists and groups. For more information on his work and the recently released volume 2 of the CIA Inspector General's report acknowledging CIA complicity in the drug trade (a report in danger of being intentionally obscured by the impeachment process) see his website http://www.copvcia.com. Background on this issue with many links is on a new Macronet site. Ruppert, 47, was born in Washington, D.C. An Honors graduate of UCLA in Political Science, he comes from a family rooted in intelligence and the military. As an undergraduate he interned for LA Police Chief Ed Davis and worked at 5 LAPD Divisions before graduating and becoming an officer in 1973. During his five plus years of active service he received thirteen citations and four commendations. Twice the CIA attempted to recruit him, the first time just before he graduated and again after he was a highly praised field officer and budding narcotics investigator. In 1977 he discovered the CIA bringing drugs into the U.S. through New Orleans in an operation supervised by his then-fiancé, a CIA agent. He began to speak out and was forced out of LAPD in1978 after being shot at and threatened. He has been speaking out publicly ever since. In 1981 he spoke out about the CIA and drugs inside the White House during a visit to his college classmate Craig Fuller who went on to become Chief of Staff to Vice President Bush. As a freelance writer in the 80's he was published in The Los Angeles Times. Other stories include more than 30 on drug and alcohol dependence. Mike is a past member of the Board of Directors of the National Council on Alcoholism for the San Fernando Valley. Mike's highly publicized confrontation with CIA Director John Deutch on November 15, 1996, resulted in his being interviewed by the Intelligence Committees of both Houses of Congress. He publishes a newsletter, FROM THE WILDERNESS, reporting on major developments in this rapidly changing and important story. He will speak about the 50 year history of CIA drug dealing and about his spiritual convictions that only the truth becoming known can catalyze the changes in consciousness necessary for global scale problems to be solved.

My Favorite Web Sites

Ruppert at Global Crisis Solutions Conference
Global Emergency Alert Response Homepage

Email: gear2000@lightspeed.net